Advanced Technology in Integrated Facility Management: Types and Use cases

IFM technology

Technology has become an integral part of our lives. From smartphones to smart homes, technology has changed the way we live and work. The same holds for integrated facility management, where IFM technology plays a critical role in ensuring the smooth operation of buildings and facilities. Integrated facility management (IFM) is the practice of integrating multiple services and functions into a single, comprehensive solution for managing buildings and facilities.

Technology plays a vital role in IFM by providing the tools necessary to optimize operations, improve communication, reduce costs, and increase productivity. An IFM technology can greatly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of facility operations.

Advanced technologies used in integrated facility management

The integrated facility management technology offers substantial benefits to facility managers. Utilizing these technologies will not only help in better facility management but will also make cost-effective business with a safer workplace. Following are some advanced technologies used in IFM.

Digital Signage and Wayfinding Systems

IFM uses digital signage to improve the visitor and occupant experience. Digital signage can be used to display important information, such as directions to different areas of the facility or upcoming events. Wayfinding systems can help visitors and occupants navigate through complex facilities, such as hospitals or airports, by providing clear directions and maps.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have also made significant advancements in IFM. VR and AR can be used for training and simulations in facility management. For example, VR simulations can be used to train staff on emergency response procedures or facility maintenance tasks.

According to Resonai’s report, facilities like hospitals, and office buildings have noticed the benefits of adopting AR technology by 30%. AR can be used to overlay digital information on top of the physical environment, allowing facility managers to visualize and plan changes to the facility.

Access Control and Security Systems

Access control and security systems are another essential IFM technology. These systems are used to safeguard the facility and its occupants by controlling access to different areas of the building. Access control systems can range from simple key card systems to more advanced biometric systems that use fingerprints or facial recognition. Security systems, such as surveillance cameras, can help detect and prevent unauthorized access or criminal activity.

Mobile Facility Management Apps

Mobile facility management apps have become increasingly popular in recent years. These apps allow facility managers to manage their facilities on the go, providing real-time updates on tasks, schedules, and maintenance needs. Mobile apps can also be used to report facility maintenance issues or request services, such as room cleaning or temperature adjustments.


Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize IFM by enabling secure and transparent data sharing between stakeholders. This facility technology could be used to track maintenance records, contracts, and payments, streamlining IFM processes and reducing the potential for errors and fraud.

As per the report by Statista, blockchain is expected to grow from 4.5 billion to 19 billion U.S. dollars by 2024. The majority of global leaders started investing in blockchain. Facility services also planned to invest in blockchain as they make digital trust.

Robotics and Automation

Robotics has become an essential trend in IFM. Robotics and automation can be used for cleaning and maintenance tasks, such as floor cleaning or window washing. These systems can be programmed to perform tasks automatically, reducing the need for manual labor and improving efficiency.

Use cases of technology in IFM

Here are some use cases of technology that can be used in IFM:

Remote asset monitoring

Remote monitoring allows facility managers to track the performance of assets such as electrical systems, and security systems from a remote location. This helps to detect issues early, allowing for timely repairs and replacements, and reducing the risk of equipment failure.

Predictive maintenance using AI

AI-based predictive maintenance uses data analysis and machine learning algorithms to predict when maintenance tasks will be required. This allows facility managers to take a proactive approach to maintenance, reducing downtime and improving the lifespan of equipment and assets.

Vendor management

It is used to manage and monitor relationships with third-party vendors and contractors. This includes tools for tracking performance metrics, managing contracts and work orders, and streamlining communication between vendors and facility management.

Sustainability and ESG reporting

Technology can be used to track and report on a facility’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. This measures and reports metrics such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and social impact.

Digital Twins

Digital twins are virtual models of physical assets, facilities, or systems that enable real-time monitoring and optimization of their performance. Facility managers can use digital twins to simulate different scenarios and identify potential issues before they occur, improving operational efficiency and reducing downtime.

Final thoughts

Integrated facility management is becoming more and more dependent on technology as it helps to streamline facility management in a single place. Technology in IFM has emerged as a game-changer, providing better insights into facility management services and improving stakeholder experience.

The use of technology such as advanced facility management software has revolutionized how facility managers oversee and manage their facilities. This has helped organizations to manage their operations, enhance their decision-making capabilities, and provide a better experience for their customers.

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